“I planted, Apollos watered, but God gave the growth. So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God who gives the growth” (1 Cor 3:6-7). Do you ever wonder, when it comes to sharing your faith, if the Lord is involved? That, at times, it does not seem He […]
personal evangelism
This is one of my favorite book titles. I was a seminary student when asked to read this work on the role of listening in evangelism. Though just listening to others will not bring them into the Kingdom, it is vital to making disciples. A one-size-fits-all method of evangelism was […]
How will They Hear if We Don’t Listen?
As I mentioned before, I have returned to playing my guitar on a regular basis. The callouses have returned. And while I continue to learn new things, I continue to review and practice the fundamentals. I was reminded of the importance of review and fundamentals tonight as I watched a […]
Importance of Review
Christian holidays often provide many excellent opportunities to share our faith with others. With Easter around the corner, I want share with you a conversation I had with Jonathan Dodson, pastor of City Life Church (Austin, Texas). In 2014, he published two books–one for unbelievers, the other for believers. In […]
Talking Resurrection and Witness with Jonathan Dodson
I had the opportunity to meet some of the guys with SpreadTruth. They stopped by campus to talk with a few professors about a new discipleship training resource called “The Story.” “The Story” is an excellent way to train people in personal evangelism. In fact, it is one of the […]
Interview with Jerry McCorkle of SpreadTruth
In order to assist us in staying the course in our evangelistic work, I want to turn our attentions to a foundational matter. If we lose sight of biblical principles for missional living, the we find ourselves standing at a crossroads not knowing what to do in the societies in […]