I have been sharing on social media about the open faculty position at Samford University and also want to mention it here. My department, Christian Ministry, is searching for an assistant professor. We are looking for someone with more than 5 years of ministry and/or mission experience and a Ph.D. […]
Samford University
Lord willing, the Christian Ministry Department at Samford University will be hosting a meet and information session on-line this Thursday, September 24, 7:00-8:00PM Central Time. If you are a high school senior (or know of one) and interested in a degree in Christian Ministry, with a focus on disciple-making, then […]
High School Seniors: Considering a Degree in Ministry
Art has the ability to move us toward truth (or away from truth). It has the ability to bring comfort in chaos and hope when all seems hopeless. It brings encouragement to the downcast and expands vision when we are nearsighted. Artists bring ideas and emotions to life. We are […]
Leveraging the Arts for the Mission of God
One year ago today I joined the faculty of Samford University to teach missions in the newly developed Christian Ministry program that would quickly become the university’s Christian Ministry Department and home to Samford’s Ministry Training Institute. It has been a wonderful year, filled with excitement and challenge and saturated […]
Samford’s Christian Ministry Department: 1 Year Later
My first year at Samford University is about to end. Now is the time of exams, papers, grading, grading, and grading. I am looking forward to the summer break because it brings a change in routine. Yet, summer is already full. Among other things, Lord willing, I plan to work […]
New Global Disciple Making Training at Samford University
Samford University launched a new undergraduate degree and program this fall. Dr. Scott Guffin is now the Executive Director of the Christian Ministry Program and my guest on this episode. We discuss this new program and its 5 Key Distinctives: 1) Biblically Grounded; 2) Theologically Evangelical; 3) Missionally Focused; 4) […]