As a fourth generation Baptist of the Southern Tribe, I have kept up with my denomination’s stats over the years. Conversion growth has not been trending in a good direction for a long time. Yesterday, numbers were released on the latest study. While baptisms have increased, overall decline may be […]
Southern Baptist Convention
The North Carolina Baptist Convention is one of a handful of SBC groups (hopefully this number will grow) working hard to educate and mobilize others to reach unengaged and unreached peoples in North America. A few months ago I was contacted by some brothers from North Carolina about setting portions […]
Videos 4 U – Unreached Peoples, Least Reached Places
Last week, Baptist Press released the article by Carol Pipes: “ACP: More Churches Reported; Baptisms Decline.” Media sources across the country quickly ran stories on the information found in the article. The Southern Baptist Convention added 294 churches in 2015. However, our membership declined by more than 200,000 people, with […]
Decline in Southern Baptist Numbers
This week Baptist Press released the article, “SBC Reports More Churches, Fewer People.” Within hours, secular media outlets were reporting on these findings too. For those who have been tracking these numbers, this article brought no surprises. And while there is nothing surprising here, as a Southern Baptist, I have […]
Decline in Southern Baptist Convention Numbers
I recently spoke with Dr. David Platt about his transition to the role of the president of the International Mission Board (IMB). David stopped by the office to record this conversation for Strike the Match. In this episode, we talk about family, restructuring and future of the IMB, diaspora missiology, […]
Conversation with David Platt
I recently had the honor–at the invitation of the International Mission Board–of being a part of some conversations at the Southern Baptist Convention regarding the nations living in the United States. Here is a thirty minute video of the discussion. Joining me on the platform were Terry Sharp (@terrysharpimb) and […]