My latest book, To the Edge: Reflections on Kingdom Leadership, Mission, and Innovation, was published last week (Kindle should release soon) with a crazy deal for a new book: “Buy 1, Get 1 for Free to Give Away”! That’s two books for $16.00. That’s two books to get you and […]
Steve Moore
Though much of my twenty years in vocational ministry has been connected to the local church, I have also been significantly involved in parachurch (i.e., alongside of, not in competition with the local church) ministries. Even extending back to my college days, campus ministry was a major part of my […]
Evolution not Dissolution of the Parachurch
Mission agencies have always faced challenges. However, the 21st century has brought some unique challenges to agencies headquartered in North America. In episode 15, I speak with Dr. Steve Moore, Executive Director of the Center for Excellence in Leadership. Steve is an author and formerly served as the President of […]
Steve Moore on Challenges Facing Mission Agencies
The MissioNexus Church Connection Tour wraps up today in Atlanta. It has been a wonderful time discussing migration and mission in Baltimore, Los Angeles, Toronto, Chicago, and Atlanta. I have been encouraged by the turnout from churches, networks, and mission agencies, representing a variety of evangelical denominations and non-denominational traditions. […]