The Bible is filled with passages related to the movement of peoples. Even before the Fall, God commanded Adam and Eve to multiply and “fill the earth.” Migration is not a post-Fall matter that started with the exodus from the Garden. Both Testaments contain many excellent texts on this topic. […]
Strangers Next Door
“If Jesus is the truth and the way, then I want to follow Him,” the Saudi student responded. “Do you understand what that could mean for you,” Gary asked. “If Jesus is the truth and the way, then I am willing to die for Him.” This conversation took place between […]
Preparing Others for the Death Penalty
I recently wrote an article for Facts and Trends on reaching the strangers next door. Check it out. Here is a list of 8 guidelines to help you get started in reaching the unreached people groups living around you. I noted these in the article. Take them, apply them, and […]
8 Guidelines for Reaching the Strangers Next Door
I recently spoke at the Empowered Conference hosted by the Southern Baptist Convention of Virginia. It was a wonderful time with the brothers and sisters from around the state. I was encouraged to hear what the Spirit is doing through their Kingdom labors. My assignment: share from my book Strangers […]
Reaching the Strangers Next Door
We have better information on an unreached people group living in the Himalayas than we do on that same group living in your North American city. This is one of the reasons I wrote Strangers Next Door: Immigration, Migration, and Mission. More and better research is needed. Research done by Global […]
The One Training Event to Attend in 2015 (no, I’m ...
Ongota is one of the world’s rarest languages. Only twelve people speak it. I doubt you will ever need to learn it. But if you needed to for gospel advancement, would you? Would you truly put out the effort and make the sacrifice–for only twelve people? Last October, Mark Zuckerburg […]