One of the courses I teach at Beeson Divinity School is Contemporary Issues and Strategies in Missions. It is usually offered as a January class and began again today. After twenty years of training pastors and church planters, I have noticed that many struggle in the area of strategic planning. […]
strategic planning
Here is one of the best articles I have read on Syrian refugees and the United States. Check out the map where the refugees were placed between 2012-2015. More are expected to follow. Is your church located in any of these cities? Not located in one of these cities? What […]
Where Syrian Refugees are Settling in the US
Proverbs is one of my favorite books in the Bible. I try to pray through all 31 chapters each year. When it comes to strategy development, Proverbs 16 contains some extremely important verses. Start here before you start developing your master plan. ———- Apostolic Church Planting: Birthing New Churches from […]
Proverbs for Your Planning
Sometimes the Spirit does the unexpected–requiring no intentional planning on behalf of the Church. Sometimes the Spirit works through our God-given wisdom as Kingdom stewards–requiring intentional planning on behalf of the Church. We must hold to both approaches, keeping them in tandem and remaining at peace. But which one comes […]
The Tandem in Strategic Planning
Dreaming as a Kingdom citizen is important. This is not a futile humanistic exercise. It is an opportunity to use our God-given missiological-imaginations as we prayerfully consider God’s Word, God’s world, and our responsibilities as Kingdom citizens. However, if you are always dreaming and never developing and executing strategy, then […]
Perpetual Dreamers Wake-Up to Nightmares
I’ve addressed the Uncle Rico Syndrome and the Kelvin Syndrome this week. There is one other related syndrome that should be avoided: Your Best History Tomorrow. Your Best History Tomorrow is similar to Uncle Rico but sees no fault in the past. The past was the best. Those were the […]