
This post concludes my three-part series (part 1, part 2) on the early Moravians. Today I draw attention to some of the places they served and elements of their missionary methods. The Moravians had a global vision and acted upon it. Missionary activity was not something they simply discussed; it […]

Early Moravians, Where and How? (Part 3)

Sometimes the Spirit does the unexpected–requiring no intentional planning on behalf of the Church. Sometimes the Spirit works through our God-given wisdom as Kingdom stewards–requiring intentional planning on behalf of the Church. We must hold to both approaches, keeping them in tandem and remaining at peace. But which one comes […]

The Tandem in Strategic Planning

Ed White became the first American to conduct a spacewalk on June 3, 1965. In celebration of this fiftieth anniversary, NASA released a 30 minute documentary on spacewalks and our future journey to Mars. This is a fascinating story of innovation and progress. Of course, such is the story of […]

Progress of Gospel Advancement

Dreaming as a Kingdom citizen is important. This is not a futile humanistic exercise. It is an opportunity to use our God-given missiological-imaginations as we prayerfully consider God’s Word, God’s world, and our responsibilities as Kingdom citizens. However, if you are always dreaming and never developing and executing strategy, then […]

Perpetual Dreamers Wake-Up to Nightmares

If you caught my most recent interview with the guys at Salty Believer or my recent tweets, then this post will not come as a surprise. I am working on three books for this year–two are already written, one I am presently editing.  I am incredibly excited about each of […]

Books I’m Writing this Year

I’ve addressed the Uncle Rico Syndrome and the Kelvin Syndrome this week. There is one other related syndrome that should be avoided: Your Best History Tomorrow. Your Best History Tomorrow is similar to Uncle Rico but sees no fault in the past. The past was the best. Those were the […]

Your Best History Tomorrow Syndrome