Church multiplication strategies must include pastoral training. Though some people believe pastoral training gets in the way of making disciples and planting churches, the bible advocates otherwise. “After church planting, what?” asks my guest, Dr. Ramesh Richard. In this episode, we discuss the importance of pastoral training throughout the world. […]
Strike the Match
The concept of church multiplication movements is often discussed in missiological circles. Kingdom citizens desire to see “the word of the Lord. . . speed ahead and be honored” (2 Thes 3:1) and for new churches to be taught the “whole counsel of God (Acts 20:27). Nathan Shank is my […]
Nathan Shank on Church Multiplication and Health
Strike the Match, Season 1, ended one week ago. Every Thursday night for the past 33 weeks I have posted a podcast episode here at the blog. A seasonal approach is a good thing. From 2006-2010, I did a weekly (almost) podcast (North American This approach did not allow […]
Podcast Series 1 Complete
There is now a day for anything you can imagine: pet day, gardening day, chocolate day, pirate day, doughnut day, coffee day. And since there are only 365.25 days in a year, it is common to find multiple recognitions on any given day. So, this morning I was on Twitter […]
Podcast Day
If you are like me, then you always want your first attempt at anything to be a win. We know such does not always happen. But we want it. Even with Spirit-led innovation sometimes we have to attempt for Asia and Bithynia before reaching Philippi (Acts 16:1-12). I taught a […]
First Time Through
Dean Merrill, collaborating with Patrick Johnstone, recently published Serving God in Today’s Cities: Facing the Challenge of Urbanization. This book is a great introduction to our urban world and ministry today. Three percent of the world’s population lived in cities in 1800. By 2100, 90% of the global population will […]