In the previous post in this two-part series, I provided some of the numbers regarding the Evangelicals present in the metro areas of New York, Boston, and Indianapolis. Today, I want to share with you some of the general demographic information on these areas. As you consider your missionary labors […]
Super Bowl
Before we get too tied up in the game and the commercials–if you are not already–I wanted to take a moment and turn our attention toward the cities behind the teams. And behind the cities, we find the people. And among the people, a great battle is taking place. This […]
Super Bowl 2012 (Numbers on the Battlefields)
Ministers of the gospel need to understand the people to whom they are called to serve. This matter is nothing new. One quick way to accomplish this is to understand them demographically. While there is no substitute for spending time with someone, raw numbers can give you a bird’s-eye view […]