
Today is the long-awaited day! The ninth season of Strike the Match launches with this episode. This season will be brief and will include a series of special episodes. . . unlike any I have posted in the past. Long-time listeners know from the intro this podcast is about “missions, […]

AI Alan and Annie Discuss Payne on Decline in Seminary ...

I promise, I am a human being. Nothing can mimic this algorithm–yet. If you have visited my site or my writings over the past several years, you have likely encountered my view of a stewardship of innovation (see HERE, HERE, HERE). While innovation is much broader than AI, I want […]

AI and J. D. Payne

A flight from London to New York in 30 minutes? It does sound far fetched, but this article tells the story. Would any Kingdom citizens of the nineteenth century have believed the technological advances of the twenty-first? What would the Moravians of the eighteenth century have done with the technology […]

London to New York in 30 min?

You can do a great deal in seventeen hours. And until last week, you could make the longest, non-stop flight in the world from Dallas to Sydney. But now. . . Emirates has stepped up to the plate to provide a non-stop, 17.5 hour flight between Dubai and Panama City. […]

That’s a lot of Peanuts and Pretzels

Innovation and technology shape lives.  They are built on history and they shape history.  Any future progress is based on past and present realities. As the Church becomes aware of the blessings that can be found in innovation and technology, She is likely to embrace those blessings for the advancement […]

Asian Wealth, Travel, and the Bigger Picture