I used a different program structure last season (season 9) on Strike the Match. Frequently, I host guests but decided to teach through my book Theology of Mission: A Concise Biblical Theology. If you are a subscriber, then this post is nothing new to you. However, if Strike the Match […]
Theology of Mission
This episode ends season 8 of Strike the Match. Revelation not only concludes the New Testament, but takes readers back into the Old Testament. John draws deeply from Torah and the Prophets to provide a vision of what was and is to come. Churches were struggling to remain faithful to […]
Mission in Revelation
The fourth Gospel has a great deal to say about mission. One scholar noted, “the Fourth Gospel’s focus is not on God’s mission per se, but on his mission through Jesus and on Jesus’ mission through his followers.” In this episode, the blessing of the nations shows up in three […]
Mission in the Gospel of John
This episode continues the second discussion of God’s mission in the Prophetic Literature. An examination of the Latter Prophets (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, The Twelve), reveals several sub-themes related to the blessing of the nations. Here we find God works to bless the nations through: Judgment (Israel in Diaspora and Day […]
Mission in the Prophets – Part 2
In this episode, I address a theology of mission by examining the mission of God in the Prophets. The methods by which the nations move into relationship with the nation of Israel and her God has been described as historical incorporation and eschatological ingathering. The Former and Latter Prophets address […]
Mission in the Prophets – Part 1
The biblical storyline reveals a God who remains faithful to His promises which require the ongoing sending of Himself and His servants into a tragically suffering and deeply needy world to accomplish His mission of redemption and restoration. Mission began with God, is sustained by God, and will culminate with […]