Evangelicals in the West, and North America in particular, generally agree that they live in a mission field. Cultural shifts and immigration have moved the boat of the Church into post-Christianized waters. Lesslie Newbigin argued this. David Bosch argued this. The Gospel and Our Culture Network argued this. The academy […]
United States
Last week, the Pew Research Center released an extensive report on the future populations of different world religions. Though there is troubling information here, this is a fascinating work providing a sobering reality of our world. Here are a few of the projections from 2010-2050: In the United States, Christians […]
Growth Projections of World Religions
“A church in the Northwest sent a married couple to a remote area to establish a minority group church. The remote area is accessible by a 10-hour drive from the couple’s church. They have been doing this work for four years and have established a church with more than 80 people […]
That Chinese Church is Doing What!!??
Yesterday, I began a series calling Evangelicals to increase and improve upon what little data we have regarding our urban mission fields in the United States and Canada. In this post, I want to draw your attention to some of the recent demographic changes happening in the metropolitan United States. […]
5 Changes Influencing Mission in Metro America: A Call for ...
“God cannot lead you on the basis of facts you do not have,” so noted Ralph Winter in an editorial written on January 1, 2007. While I do not completely agree with this statement–God is not limited by my ignorance–there is a good deal of truth to be found here. […]