Missiologists and mission agencies operate from two unreached people group lists: 1) global unreached people groups; and 2) global unengaged-unreached people groups. The global unreached people group list receives a high strategic priority when it comes to global disciple making. The global unengaged-unreached people group list receives an even higher […]
Unreached People Groups
In case you missed it: The Reaching the Nations in North America Conference took place several days ago. HERE is Seth Brown’s article at Baptist Press. Thank you, Seth; and thank you BP for posting this. This was an important moment in the life of my denomination. The event was […]
ICYMI: Reaching the Nations Videos
Lord willing, the Reaching the Nations in North America conference kicks off in Brentwood, Tennessee this Friday and Saturday. I do hope you will be there. Registration is closed. You may watch the event at the International Mission Board’s Facebook page. You may also follow along at #RTNSummit2016. I am […]
Reaching the Nations Conference
Evangelicals have been asking questions related to the ministry of apostles for several years. Some of these conversations have been unhealthy and unhelpful while others have been edifying and resulting in Kingdom advancement. Do apostles exist today? If so, who is an apostle? If so, are they different from the […]
Don Dent and the Ongoing Role of Apostles in Missions
What would happen if a mission agency started advertising their mission statement as: to plant churches among the world’s most reached people groups? Would you lead your church to other countries to pour the overwhelming majority of your evangelistic efforts into serving reached people groups, knowing 6800 unreached people groups […]
Reaching the World’s Most Reached People Groups
Kingdom stewardship is not only related to the use of finances. It is related to everything we have received from the King (e.g., time, passions, gifts, opportunities, power, wealth). Will we bury what has been provided, or will we put it to use in a manner reflective of Kingdom wisdom? […]