The International Organization for Migration recently released the 2015 World Migration Report. The focus for this year is migration and the cities. You can download the pdf for free in English, Spanish, or French. This report addresses how migrants are shaping the cities and being shaped by the cities. Approximately […]
We want to be on the edge of Kingdom advancement. Where should our church or agency focus? Is it urban? Is it orality? Is it unreached peoples? Unengaged-unreached? Is it disciple making and church planting? Is it combating trafficking? Combating poverty? Is it social development? Justice issues? Is it partnering […]
Diasporas: The Nexus of the Issues
Dean Merrill, collaborating with Patrick Johnstone, recently published Serving God in Today’s Cities: Facing the Challenge of Urbanization. This book is a great introduction to our urban world and ministry today. Three percent of the world’s population lived in cities in 1800. By 2100, 90% of the global population will […]
Serving God in Today’s Cities
Last week, I was in Atlanta speaking at the North America Mission Leaders Conference sponsored by MissioNexus. Their network membership and annual conference registration lists read like a Who’s Who of North American mission agencies and mission leaders. If you and your organization are not connected with them, then I […]
Globalization and the Pressure Points of Our Age–Presentation
It is estimated that over the next 30 years, most of the world’s growth will be found in the urban areas. Consider the following realities of our urban world: By 2050, the world’s urban population is expected to be the same as the total global population of 2002. China is […]